NEClimbs - information for New Hampshire, Maine and Vermont rock and ice climbers
IceCON 4. Climbs are IN at the usual places and generally at consensus ratings.
4 out of a possible 5
Rock Routes at Cathedral Ledge: grouped by Area, sorted by Name
Crag picture
Early spring morning on Cathedral Ledge.
Description: 600' granite cliff located less than 2 miles from downtown North Conway. This crag provides incredible trad rock climbing as well as excellent ice climbing in a very scenic location.
Directions: From the north side of North Conway, turn onto River Road at a traffic light and head toward the obvious cliff. Turn left at a sign that says Cathedral Ledge and Echo Lake State Park. Go straight ahead past a small chalet subdivision to the cliff. You can park anywhere along the road. In the winter the road may be impassible as it is not plowed. There is no camping or fires allowed in this area and please pick up your trash.

There are also several small crags in the general area included in this collection, several of which offer stellar climbing.
Click Here to see a Google Map.
Lattitude: = 44.06341, Longitude = -71.16502
Topo: A graphic topo is available for this area. CLICK HERE
Area Name Grade
Airation Buttress Airation 5.11
Airation Buttress Bamboozled 5.13a  5.11R
Airation Buttress Camber 5.11b
Airation Buttress Heather 5.12b
Airation Buttress Kill Your Television 5.11c
Airation Buttress Northern Hospitality 5.13c
Airation Buttress Pine Tree Eliminate 5.8+
Airation Buttress Play Misty 5.11c
Airation Buttress Reverse Camber 5.10b
Airation Buttress Stage Fright 5.12c
Barber Wall Chicken Delight 5.9
Barber Wall Kim Jung Il 5.12b may be 12c
Barber Wall Layton's Ascent 5.9
Barber Wall Nomad Crack 5.10b
Barber Wall Nutcracker 5.9+
Beast 666 amphitheater 0.6 5.13c R/X
Beast 666 amphitheater Reincarnation A3
Beast 666 amphitheater Wildebeast 5.11d
Cathedral Roof Molson's Madness 5.12
Cathedral Roof Sanctuary 5.13b
Cathedral Roof The Mercy 5.13d
Cathedral Roof What Was, Was Over 5.13c
center Burning Bridge 5.11d (5.9R)
center Candidus 5.13b /c
center Colonial Ambush 5.11d
center Devil's Byway 5.10c
center Frenchman's Fury A3 /A4
center Late Night Movie 5.7
center Magic Hat #9 5.12b
center Passing Thoughts 5.11c
center Warlock 5.12c (5.10R)
End of Days Crag End of Days 5.11b
End of Days Crag Fingerlust (a.k.a. Jerry's Route) 5.12
End of Days Crag Intentional Grounding 5.10b
End of Days Crag Tres Agujeros 5.12
Glory Wall Cadence 5.3
Glory Wall Coda (variation 1) 5.4
Glory Wall Coda (variation 2) 5.7
Glory Wall Crescendo 5.9+
Glory Wall Decrescendo 5.7
Glory Wall Morning Glory 5.10
Glory Wall No Guts No Glory 5.9
Glory Wall Poltroonís Challenge 5.9+
Glory Wall Shortcut To Glory 5.6
Hidden Cliff Aretably Short 5.10
Hidden Cliff Mighty Mite 5.7
Hidden Cliff Son Of A Pitch 5.9
Hidden Cliff Upper Slab 5.1 R
left of Beast 666 amphitheater Travesty (free) 5.13a
Left of Pleasant Street Far and Away 5.5 R
Left of Pleasant Street Far From the Maddening Crowd 5.9
lower left wall 3 Birches 5.8+
lower left wall A. P. Treat 5.8
lower left wall Bombardment 5.8
lower left wall Brown's Fist 5.9+
lower left wall Ego Trip 5.11c
lower left wall Funhouse 5.7
lower left wall Funhouse Direct 5.8
lower left wall Orc 5.8
lower left wall Pooh 5.7
lower left wall Rollin' & Tumblin' 5.10b
lower left wall Starfire (a.k.a. Yo Yo) 5.11b
lower left wall The 5.8 Linkup 5.8
lower left wall The Culprits 5.9+
Mordor area Cecile 5.13d
Mordor area Diagonal 5.9+ R
Mordor area Highway 61 5.13b
Mordor area Mines Of Moria A2 IV 5.6
Mordor area The Hobbit 5.13b /c PG (5.12aX)
North End Bailsafe 5.10c
North End Bird's Nest 5.9
North End Child's Play 5.5
North End High Jinks 5.7
North End Kiddy Crack 5.7
North End Post Mortem 5.9+
North End Raising The Roof 5.9
North End Recluse 5.10d
North End Reformed 5.9-
North End The Liger 5.10
North End The Roof 5.8+
North End The Slot 5.10b
Prow area Brass Ovaries 5.10
Prow area Faux Pas Arete 5.11c
Prow area Gypsy 5.9+
Prow area Recompense: Beast Flake (Recombeast) 5.9
Prow area Recompense: Chimney 5.9
right side Angel's Freeway 5.11d
right side Budapest 5.11d
right side Diedre 5.9+
right side Intimidation 5.10b
right side Should Have Been Here YesterRay (AKA Ray's Route) 5.12b
right side The Underground 5.11d
Slab Below Nutcracker on the Barber Wall The Last Dance 5.5
Slab Below Nutcracker on the Barber Wall The Last Picture Show 5.6
Thin Air face 007 5.9+
Thin Air face Darcy's Traverse 5.6
Thin Air face Dawn Patrol 5.8
Thin Air face DMZ 5.9
Thin Air face Freedom 5.10
Thin Air face No Man's Land 5.6 R
Thin Air face Onion Head 5.11c
Thin Air face Pro Choice 5.10c
Thin Air face Rapid Transit 5.10
Thin Air face Repulsion 5.9
Thin Air face Slow Transit 5.6
Thin Air face Standard Route 5.6 R
Thin Air face Still In Saigon and Miss Saigon, a.k.a. The Saigons 5.8
Thin Air face Super Goofer 5.11
Thin Air Face Thin Air 5.6
Thin Air face Thinner 5.8 R
Thin Air face Turner's Flake 5.8
Thin Air face Windfall 5.10 (5.8R)
tourist overlook Don't Fly Over Russia 5.11 R
tourist overlook Little Feat 5.9
tourist overlook Lookout Crack 5.8+
Upper Refuse area Black Lung 5.8
Upper Refuse area Final Gesture 5.7+
Upper Refuse area Retaliation 5.9
Upper Refuse area The Arete (variation) 5.10d
Upper Refuse area The Book Of Solemnity 5.9+
Upper Refuse area The Scenic Route 5.8
Worm Drive Buttress Peanut Gallery Flake 5.11b
Worm Drive Buttress Royal Arches Reminiscense 5.10b
Worm Drive Buttress Worm Drive 5.10c
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